Dave Versical
Former Chief of Editorial Operations for Automotive News
Former Chief of Editorial Operations for Automotive News

Latest from Dave Versical

Retiring editor reflects on his East Side story

A retiring editor reflects on his family, a Detroit neighborhood, an industry and the future of the publication that employed him for more than three decades.

How can dealership service departments stop falling so short?

A retiring editor wonders how service departments can get it wrong so often. And a retired Lexus executive has an answer.

Tesla's vehicle quality is off the charts — literally

Where does the EV brand rank? We don't really know, because it plays by rules different from those of its rivals.

Honda's new CEO, Toshihiro Mibe, is redefining the automaker

In his seven months at the helm, the 60-year-old engineer is steering the company toward a gasoline-free future in a manner reminiscent of the way it once shook the world with its engine technology.

As big retailers get even bigger, small dealers are at a crossroads

What's to become of the smallest of the small auto dealers in the U.S.? The story of Mike Cowles and the math of a dealership acquisition expert may provide a clue.

Jason Stein: A boss who was more than we expected

A longtime colleague reflects on the pending departure of Publisher Jason Stein.

Another outcome of chip crisis: U.S. share tips in Japan's favor

Lessons learned after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami may help explain why Japanese automakers have been less impacted by the shortage than their rivals.

5 truths from a longtime CEO

TI's long-serving CEO Bill Kozyra offers five truths about the changing industry.

How a one-of-a-kind service adviser made a mark

Infiniti service adviser Ed Shoemaker died suddenly last December at the age of 47. An outpouring of condolences showed the rare knack he had for connecting with customers.

Will today's praise for EVs live up to tomorrow's reality?

Four automakers received recognition from Time for their commitment to an electric vehicle future. Getting to that future as envisioned without turmoil will be difficult, if we get there at all.

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