CategoryTalk From The Top

TOMOMI NAKAMURA: Subaru CEO eyes market share, better quality

AUTOMOTIVE NEWS Subaru gets about 66 percent of its volume from the U.S. Is it too dependent on the U.S.?  TOMOMI NAKAMURA:Based on the history of Subaru and the way the U.S. market has grown, it is a big market for us. It is difficult for us to really push sales growth in other markets. For example, one month’s sales in the U.S. is the same as half a year’s sales in Japan. So the U.S. market is where we’re putting a lot of resources. We don’t really have the leeway to put more resources into other markets.
AUTOMOTIVE NEWS Subaru gets about 66 percent of its volume from the U.S. Is it too dependent on the U.S.?TOMOMI NAKAMURA:Based on the history of Subaru and the way the U.S. market has grown, it is a big market for us. It is difficult for us to really push sales growth in other markets. For example, one month’s sales in the U.S. is the same as half a year’s sales in Japan. So the U.S. market is where we’re putting a lot of resources. We don’t really have the leeway to put more resources into other markets.  (HANS GREIMEL)
December 06, 2020 05:00 AM