The groups on the annual Automotive News list commanded a bigger percentage of the U.S. industry's new light-vehicle sales in 2022 and held a growing share of the U.S. dealership count.
Dealers are coming off three years of making more money than ever before. Yet close to the surface at the 2023 NADA Show? Rising interest rates, affordability, headwinds, anxiety.
How good is the auto retail sector in laying out defined career paths and offering professional development opportunities for younger employees working in dealerships? Find out next week.
Dealers should listen to the perspective of women in their dealerships and take action to recruit more of them, say panelists at NADA's Women Driving Auto Retail Lunch.
Car dealers are in Las Vegas looking for information and connections that can help them navigate obstacles and the challenges to come.
The 2020 figure blew by the industry's previous profit record for the average store, recorded in 2015.
He bought a small Ford dealership in 1955 by borrowing from his father's life savings, his sister's pension and his father-in-law's remortgage. Son Mike was later AutoNation's longtime COO.
Maroone bought a small Ford dealership in 1955 by borrowing from his father's life savings, his sister's pension and his father-in-law's remortgage. His son Mike was later AutoNation's longtime COO.
A note of caution to auto dealers: This pandemic is not over. A proof point? We're all meeting virtually this week for the 2021 NADA Show instead of gathering in person in New Orleans.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, National Automobile Dealers Association leaders are weighing whether they can safely gather Jan. 21-24 in New Orleans. It isn't looking good.