
Isuzu's collapse

The Amigo, a two-door convertible SUV based on the Rodeo, was produced from 1990 to 1994 and initially sold well. A 1990 model is shown.
Kathy Jackson
February 04, 2008 05:00 AM
Divorce terms

Isuzu will stop selling light vehicles in the U.S. next January. Here are the incentives Isuzu has offered its 201 dealers.

  • All dealers can become service dealers. If they agree, Isuzu will pay a signing bonus equal to $1,000 per car sold, based on the average of their last 4 years of sales.
  • Dealers who do not agree to become service dealers will be offered the same assistance given to dealers who terminate franchises under their sales and service agreements.
  • The company plans to spiff up incentives to help dealers clear inventory.

LOS ANGELES — For the past four years, Terry Maloney has had to drag himself to the podium at Isuzu's annual NADA make meeting, face a grim, even surly dealer body and relay the worst possible news: No new product is coming.

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