
Toyota's Costa Rica retailer expands in U.S.

Purdy CEO Jesus Castro wants to transfer best dealership practices across borders.
April 13, 2015 05:00 AM
Purdy Motor Group
Purdy Motor Group, Toyota's exclusive distributor in Costa Rica, is buying U.S. dealerships. Owns • 9 Toyota stores, 1 Lexus store in Costa Rica • 2 Toyota stores in Mexico • 3 Toyota stores in the U.S. Wants • 5-7 Toyota stores, a “couple” Lexus stores in the U.S. within 3 years Prefers • Texas dealerships • Stores served by Gulf States Toyota
RETAIL07_304139995_H2_-1_CDVKAUCJUXIF.jpg Atkinson: First, "driving Texas"

Costa Rica's distributor of Toyota Group vehicles wants to own five to seven Toyota dealerships and "a couple" of Lexus stores in the U.S. within three years, its CEO said.

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