
A slightly different take on GM's discredited CEO

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner at a news conference at the company's Detroit headquarters on Dec. 19, 2008. Wagoner said GM was confident it would meet profitability tests as part of a U.S. financial rescue but he was ousted months later by the Obama administration. (BLOOMBERG)
March 30, 2014 05:00 AM

Editor's note: Rick Wagoner was forced out as General Motors CEO five years ago this week during the auto industry's 2008-09 crisis. He was asked to resign in a now-famous meeting with Steven Rattner, the New York financier who headed President Obama's auto task force, on Friday, March 27, 2009, in Washington. Word leaked out on Sunday, and the firing was announced on Monday. Richard Johnson, Automotive News' editor for print, reflects on Wagoner's place in history.

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