
Rick Wagoner's management style: Questions, questions, questions

Rick Wagoner: Instead of orders, sharply honed inquiry that leads the debate toward his agenda. (John F. Martin/John F. Martin for General Motor)
Peter Brown
September 14, 2008 05:00 AM
Rick Wagoner's GM career

1977: Begins with GM as analyst in treasurer's office, New York

1981: Treasurer, GM do Brasil

1988: Group director, strategic business planning, Chevrolet-Pontiac-GM of Canada

1989: Vice president, finance, GM Europe

1991: President, GM do Brasil

1992: GM CFO

1994: President, GM North America

1998: President

2000: CEO

2003: Chairman and CEO

In the spring of 2005, Rick Wagoner faced another in a long line of crises. After a couple of years of relative success, the General Motors chairman saw his company's revenue drop dramatically on the way to a massive second-quarter loss.

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