
Pressure on NAFTA talks to hit deadlines

August 07, 2017 05:00 AM
NAFTA negotiations
  • The setting: Seven rounds of talks, rotating between Washington, Mexico City and Ottawa. First round scheduled for Aug. 16-20 in Washington
  • Political deadlines:?Mexican election in July 2018; U.S. fast-track authority expires July 1, 2018. U.S. midterm elections in November 2018.
  • Legal deadlines: Administration must give Congress 90-day notice of intent to sign NAFTA agreement. NAFTA text must be made public 60 days prior to signing. Within 60 days after signing, administration must give Congress a description of required changes to U.S. law. Thirty days before submitting final legal text to Congress, administration must describe proposed administrative actions to implement the agreement.
Source: Company

WASHINGTON — Two decades into a treaty that ignited fierce passions and rhetoric on the 2016 campaign trail, negotiations will begin this month between the U.S., Canada and Mexico to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement, with potentially huge ramifications for the auto industry.

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