
Sonic 'delighted' with rollout of new retail plan

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July 28, 2014 05:00 AM
Sonic timeline

Here are the steps in the rollout of Sonic Automotive's One Sonic-One Experience initiative.

July 1: Rollout began at Town and Country Toyota in Charlotte, N.C.

Aug. 11: Salespeople start taking some customers through full process

Sept. 1: Entire store moves to full process

Oct. 1: No-haggle pricing is locked down and marketing begins as approach spreads to Sonic's 4 other Charlotte stores

Early 2015: Rollout spreads to one store in each region

Source: Sonic Automotive

Three weeks into the rollout of Sonic Automotive Inc.'s customer experience initiative, customers at the pilot store for the launch, Town and Country Toyota in Charlotte, N.C., aren't yet getting the promised iPad-enabled transaction with a single salesperson.

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